Monday, August 04, 2008

The high cost of gas = physically fit

Two of my childhood friends stopped by my house over the weekend. As we caught up on each others lives Tom said that he was losing quite a bit of weight. He attributed the weight lose to riding his bike more.

I asked him why he was riding more. Thinking that there was an environmental angle to follow. I was right. He said he was trying to save money because of the high cost of gas and the additional benefit was shedding some poundage.

Coincidentally I have working on a thesis that basically amounts to the high gas prices are an opportunity for Americans to not only become better stewards of Mother Earth's assets but for us to become a healthier nation buy doing more walking and bicycle riding.


HawgWyld said...

I'm in trouble, then. I commute about 22 miles to work everyday, and I absolutely refuse to move from my sleepy, little town (Benton) so I'll be closer to work (Little Rock).

Guess I'm stuck just paying higher gas prices -- thank God I got a fuel efficient vehicle before these zany gas prices hit...

The Natural State Hawg

Anonymous said...

Walking short distances to places I usually take my car to get to has made me lose a couple of pounds too.

Anonymous said...

If only more people WOULD get out and walk/bike. Call me negative, but I don't think high gas prices are going to make America more fit. I think they'll make America more lazy... but not more fit.