Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ice sheet facts

Fact 1: The melting of the North Pole ice sheet would not have an significant effect on the sea level. This is due to the ice sheet forming over the arctic sea and displacing the volume of water that has weight equal to the ice sheet.

Fact 2: The melting of the South Pole ice sheet would have a significant effect on the sea level. This is because the ice sheet was formed over land. The melting ice would drain into the ocean and raise the sea level. Some estimates place the increase of the sea level if all the ice were to melt at about 200 feet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

On Hiatus

Yes I've been gone [not writing] for quite a time. And EntreCard has noticed. They have removed this blog from their service. They indicate that if I start writing again they will restore the account related tot his blog. So time to start writing again.

This winter has brought back thought of my youth. Lots of snow and very cold temperatures. Where has global warming gone? Just kidding. Although I have recently read reports of polar ice re-accumulating. Which begs the question...What is up with this little blue planet? I guess time will tell. I do believe that anything we can do to reduce emissions and waste will be good for the planet.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blowing insulation into the attic

In an effort to save money and reduce carbon emissions I blew an additional six inches of insulation into the attic. It was a rainy day and the vehicle that I was using to transport the insulation and the blower was not quite big enough. So after making two trips to Menards I finally got started. Albeit a very late start.

So after getting the blower all setup and working, which was extremely challenging, I climbed into the attic. I taped the hose and the on/off switch together and stuck a flashlight into my back pocket so I could use one hand to steady myself. So an hour and a half later I was finally able to exit the attic with the knowledge that I was going to start saving money immediately as a cold front had blown through the area. Brrrr.