Friday, September 05, 2008

Whats up with the Entrecard toolbar?

The last couple of days while I have been doing my daily drops I noticed something strange. I usually use the Entrecard toolbar in Firefox and open a bunch of favorites in tabs by clicking the double green arrow button. Yesterday when I did this the blogs that opened up where not my favorites. Very strange.

Today the same thing happened so I selected Inbox from the first drop down and newest from the second drop down box. I checked the blog that loaded to the newest dropper at the Entrecard web site. Guess what. They were NOT the same blog.

So my question to you, loyal reader [or random Entrecard dropper who is just surfing by on your way to 300 drops and taking time to read this post (not that there is anything wrong with making 300 drops or blowing by a blog that you have no interest in reading)], is: are you experiencing the same problem?


Designing Hilary said...

No ... I haven't had the problem you reported.

(And while I do drop 300 a day, I will read as much as possible! Unfortunately, this is taking a LOT of my time!)

Surfin' Sid said...

No worries Hilary. Thanks for the comment

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I went to my blogs and had an error message showing, rather than the Entrecard card. Later they were back again. Apparently, they were experiencing some sort of problem.

~Best Wishes~

The Florida Furkids said...

I had a problem saving a blog in my favorites today. I do try to drop 300/day, but I read a LOT, so it takes me a long time to make my 300.

Anonymous said...

I never use the toolbar. I prefer to just go on the site and see everything.

T.L. said...

I've only recently heard about the toolbar. Have to check it out. Hope the problem gets fixed.

Susan Cook said...

I don't really use the toolbar. Because I feel like it just opens the same blogs all the time. I usually drop from my inbox and when you use the tool bar it will open ones you already dropped on.

Anonymous said...

I don't use the toolbar...but I have run across quite a number of cards that say invalid when I drop on them... irritating

and what is it with people that put the Top of the Fold icons and stuff on their pages and then don't even HAVE a widget anywhere that I can find??? I don't get that. SO irritating!

Anonymous said...

I used the toolbar for a few days when it first came out, but for some reason, it causes my computer to lock up, so, I haven't been using it. Guess I'm not much help, but I wanted you to know that, although I do drop 300/day, I do stop & read too. :-D

Anonymous said...

Whew! I thought it was just me. I just started using EC yesterday and was wondering what was going on. I've already found some amazing blogs, but I think it's going to take me a while to get to 300! I'm spending alot of time ready and commenting! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I haven't noticed the same issue as you, but have you all updated to the newest version? It does more stuff. It lets you choose how many tabs to open. That's not working for me yet, but it's a sign of a brighter tomorrow :P


Anonymous said...

That happens usually after 12 midnight. I do my droppings every after 12 midnight before but since it opens different blogs rather than the blogs that dropped on mine, I do the droppings every morning. It refreshes at least an hour actually.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I drop from my inbox and haven't been using my toolbar as it tend to cause my computer to lock up. Guess that didn't help you did it?!

Anonymous said...

I have tried using the tool bar but it doesn't seem to go through my favourites and I like to go into my inbox section. The one thing that I have noticed though is that on some of the blogs that I have dropped on to sometimes do not register. The drop word changes to thanks but then if I go onto the 'popular' page and scroll through some of the ones that I have dropped onto have not turned green. When I click onto them again the drop word has reappeared in the widget.

Have you tried dropping on Google Chrome this appears to be faster loading than Firefox3 - how sad am I - I used both!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't had any problems... works good for me. The Inbox on the tool bar sends from the inbox.... just not necessarily in the same order. My filter is most popular.

Anonymous said...

I used that tool bar for about an hour then uninstalled it. Sure, you can make more drops but that's not MY point. I like to read. Yeah, I will drop on an Entrecard and then not click through to the blog itself because I'm just not interested in that blog - but most of the time if I drop, I click through, I do some reading.

Anonymous said...

Like a lot of others here, I don't use the toolbar but I have been having problems with the dashboard. I have two blogs in the system with the switch function. The trouble is, sometimes it likes to stick on the one no matter what I do. I have found this problem often when I log in.

So, I can sympathize with you.

Iris said...

I have updated mine to beta which is the latest and never have noticed any problem...and i read post that captures my attention and comment if i have too, if i need to post a long comment i bookmark the site to do post the comment after i done my 300.

Unknown said...

I haven't had that problem but then again I don't use the e bar for that purpose I basically only use it to buy ads!
By the way I strive to reach 300 but I also read articles that I can have some intelligent input on!

Anonymous said...

I have had the problem you describe for the Newest category, but it seems to sort itself out if I change category and then back again. Some probelms people describe can be sorted out by using the latest version. I use it constantly and not because I drop and run - I do read anything readable - but it makes opening blogs faster and you can see at a glance what it costs to advertise on any one blog. It has helped enormously with placing ads.

Beadsme said...

I go by my inbox so haven't experienced this problem.

Anonymous said...

Well EC has been messed up lately, since the new TOS update then OIO. I can't wait for their next action.

Anonymous said...

I do use the toolbar daily and the problems I've had are mostly with loading and the search feature. Sometimes the bar just won't load any pages and crap out. I have to be careful using the site to switch between my two blogs and then using the bar to surf sites because I'll either get the Invalid msg or Get One. I'm not sure if it's the bar or if it's my PC connection.

Anonymous said...

I tried the toolbar in the beginning, but it never worked right for me so I removed it wish I could help, did you try support?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I won't be much help, I'm new to EntreCard. I don't have thh toolbar. What are the advantages/disadvantages and how do I get it?

Jackie said...

No I haven't had that problem. But, tonight I was up to around 167 drops and wham all of a sudden in the toolbar it dropped to zero. but, when I checked in my dashboard the count was the same.

And I too try my best to get 300 drops a day. I may not always comment. but, I do read and if interested I will comment!!:-)

The Florida Furkids said...

We're having problems with viruses from Entrecard. We only use firefox and have updated our spyware. We're also creating our own drop list of "safe" sites who drop back on us.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

I get occasional errors, but usually they are fixed within a relatively short time - just leave a message at your dashboard next time :D

Pinoy Wit said...

i have a problem with all my browsers. when i use firefox for entrecard i can't log in and the info on the right top just says welcome and log out.

i can access entrecard from chrome and explorer but i can't leave comments on blogger blogs cause i always get comment page not available. grrr

Unknown said...

I am still trying to figure out how this whole thing works, so I am kinda confused. Hopefully it was just some weird glitchy type thing and will be fixed soon! Good Luck and Happy New Year!