I attempted to view this blog last night but the browser just sat there and didn't pull up this web site. Strange I thought but I was a little busy so I went on to other business.
This morning I tried again and still no luck. Well the browser did show the blog for a quick 5 seconds before advancing somewhere else. Weird. So I thought maybe it is a problem with the template. I had been using a template that I had found many months ago. It had been working fine up until yesterday [at least that is when I noticed it]. So I pick a template from Blogger's limited selection. And it appears to be working fine now.
So I think I'll stick with this template for a little while.
You couldn't have found a better template... boring... plain... what were you thinking???.. Come on... I know you can do better than this.
Hey!!! I've been busy!!!
Excuses!!!! I'll find you one and send it to you for approval.. that should make it easier. Alright???
If you want to...I'd be glad for the help. Happy Holidays!!!!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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