Saturday, December 12, 2009

Something strange

I attempted to view this blog last night but the browser just sat there and didn't pull up this web site. Strange I thought but I was a little busy so I went on to other business.

This morning I tried again and still no luck. Well the browser did show the blog for a quick 5 seconds before advancing somewhere else. Weird. So I thought maybe it is a problem with the template. I had been using a template that I had found many months ago. It had been working fine up until yesterday [at least that is when I noticed it]. So I pick a template from Blogger's limited selection. And it appears to be working fine now.

So I think I'll stick with this template for a little while.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Micro Wind Power delay

I've been spending to much time at the beach. And not enough time working on the Micro Wind Power project. I think I will put together a comphensive parts list so I can gather the pieces together.

It will also allow me to figure out a cost for the project.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Micro wind power part 2

I forgot to give the website where I found the instructions for the ribbon wind power generator. Well here it is...


I has a variety of if you are up to a challenge give it a try.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Micro wind power

I found a web site that gives instructions on how to make a wind ribbon to generate power. Albeit on a very small scale. I'm going to take these instructions on as a DIY project. As I work on it I'll provide updates and pictures of the project.

The purpose of this project is to test the results and maybe make some improvements along the way.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Speaking of Tornadoes

The last two posts were videos of tornadoes which is kinda ironic since I just heard that my buddy the Michigan Beach Bum had three tornadoes touchdown within a 40 mile radius of his house in the last couple of days. As far as I know no one was injured by these storms, which is good news.

There has been a bunch of powerful storms hitting various parts of the country over the last several days so be careful out there.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another tornado video

since I'm at it here is another one.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Mother nature in action

Ok lets try this again...the original video from Hulu all of a sudden disappeared.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A little cash with little effort

I've been using YouData since January. So far I've earned about $7.00 with very...I mean VERY little effort. For some of you big time Bloggers that is not very exciting but I like it because it does take so little effort. Also they pay weekly to a PayPal account which is very cool.

For more information see my post on my other blog.

Please consider joining through one of my links.

Monday, March 30, 2009

My trade for plumbing

Since I needed the leaky shutoff valve fixed and lack the plumbing skills to solder a new one on I made a deal with my brother-in-law. He has the handy man/Mr. Fix-it abilities that I lack. I, however, am pretty good with computers.

So he came over and fixed my leak. He disconnected and cut off the leaky valve, then sanded down the remaining copper piping before soldering the copper connector to the piping. Then he connected the new shutoff valve to the connector and hooked up the feed to the faucet. It didn't look to hard but I didn't have all of the tools.

In return he needed a song edited for a workout CD he was making. After a quick search on the Internet I found a program called Audacity that allowed me to take his mp3 music file and cut out the unwanted sections. I did have to download an additional file for me to be able to export as an mp3. After exporting we burned it to a CD and was done.

Overall it was pretty easy and didn't cost me more than the parts.

Monday, March 23, 2009

More drips

The day after successfully replacing the faucet I noticed that the shutoff valve under the sink was now leaking. Bad news. Very bad news. The shutoff valve is connected to copper piping. Replacing it is going to require cutting off the valve and then soldering on a new valve. This project is getting a little beyond my plumbing talents. I may have to resort to calling in a professional plumber.

For the time being I've closed the valve for the hot water so it won't drip. The good news is the dish washer feed is just below the shutoff valve so have the valve closed does not affect the washing of dishes.

Of course the bad news is that fixing the problem will probably cost me at least $100.00.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stop the drip

The kitchen faucet has started dripping. Of course this is a waste of water. But it also makes my well pump run more than necessary. Not good. Especially when I decided to see how much water was being run down the drain.

I placed an empty milk container under the faucet before I left for work yesterday and when I came home it was overflowing. So much more than a gallon of water was going down the drain every day.

We had purchased a new faucet several months ago in plans to upgrade the kitchen hardware at some point in the future. Well given the amount of water being wasted I decided to change the faucet out. Not a bad job to do. It took this non-plumber with a little guidance from my father-in-law about an hour and a half to complete the swap out.

So no more wasted water!!!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Square root day

Today is square root day. Square root day is when the day/month are the same number [3/3] and when multiplied together equal the year in the century [09].

So happy square root day!

The next square root day will be April 4, 2016.

Start planning your next square root day party now! Since I pretty much missed this square root day, for next time I'm thinking of making a bunch of square root symbol banners. Maybe banners with the equation for the day. It could be a huge party!

Monday, March 02, 2009

PW threating to delist

I just received an email from Project Wonderful indicating that they will de-list my ad box on this blog unless my traffic or my average bid on the ad box increase. So I really need to get Entrecard to reinstate this blog so I can increase the traffic to this site.

Only one more post after this and Entrecard should let me back into their program.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ice sheet facts

Fact 1: The melting of the North Pole ice sheet would not have an significant effect on the sea level. This is due to the ice sheet forming over the arctic sea and displacing the volume of water that has weight equal to the ice sheet.

Fact 2: The melting of the South Pole ice sheet would have a significant effect on the sea level. This is because the ice sheet was formed over land. The melting ice would drain into the ocean and raise the sea level. Some estimates place the increase of the sea level if all the ice were to melt at about 200 feet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

On Hiatus

Yes I've been gone [not writing] for quite a time. And EntreCard has noticed. They have removed this blog from their service. They indicate that if I start writing again they will restore the account related tot his blog. So time to start writing again.

This winter has brought back thought of my youth. Lots of snow and very cold temperatures. Where has global warming gone? Just kidding. Although I have recently read reports of polar ice re-accumulating. Which begs the question...What is up with this little blue planet? I guess time will tell. I do believe that anything we can do to reduce emissions and waste will be good for the planet.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blowing insulation into the attic

In an effort to save money and reduce carbon emissions I blew an additional six inches of insulation into the attic. It was a rainy day and the vehicle that I was using to transport the insulation and the blower was not quite big enough. So after making two trips to Menards I finally got started. Albeit a very late start.

So after getting the blower all setup and working, which was extremely challenging, I climbed into the attic. I taped the hose and the on/off switch together and stuck a flashlight into my back pocket so I could use one hand to steady myself. So an hour and a half later I was finally able to exit the attic with the knowledge that I was going to start saving money immediately as a cold front had blown through the area. Brrrr.